Rubber Duck Updates

What is new on the site?

3/24/2012 277 ducks and 5 duck things on site 3/22/2012 268 ducks and 5 duck things on site
3/19/2012 257 ducks on site
3/15/2012 248 ducks on site
3/11/2012 235 ducks on site

3/24/2012 added more CelebriDucks and "a" page for place holder links 3/22/2012 added more classic ducks and Advertising Ducks. Fixed duck things page. Added more duck things.
3/19/2012 added more Rubba Ducks
3/15/2012 added more BBW ducks
3/11/2012 added CelebriDucks
3/10/2012 updated legal, made this update page, updated home page, added new links to link page
3/8/2012 updated history page
2/26/2012 added sets to OTC

This site was started in 2006 most first pages were added in 2007-2008 and slowly added to over the years

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©2008,2010,2011, 2012 John Truempy